Sunday 27 February 2011

St. Michael's GFC Underage Training

Underage training for all boys and girls begins next week at St. Michael's Pitch. Under 10 and 12 (P5-7), training is on Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm starting the 1st of March. Under 6 and 8 (P1-4), training is on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm starting the 3rd of March. All children, especially new members welcome. Children are asked to bring boots and trainers as if the weather is poor, the hall is used.
At St. Michael's Primary School We aim to create a calm and caring environment where teachers and children learn and work together. Each Child will be encouraged to fulfil their potential and central to this is the ethos of respect for self and others. We aim to establish a community that pupils, parents, teachers and support staff enjoy a sense of belonging to and have an important part to play.

On this blog we will keep parents/guardians informed of past and upcoming events. There will be pictures, surveys and even games for your children to play, so make sure you are a regular visitor.

Literacy - Punctuation

Maths - Operations

CBBC Newsround | Quiz